Bibliografia sulla ritraduzione
a cura di Letizia Carbutto

Ö.B. Albachten, Ş.T. Gürçağlar (eds.), Perspectives on Retranslation: Ideology, Paratexts, Methods, Routledge, New York, 2019.

V. Alevato do Amaral, Broadening the notion of retranslation, “Cadernos de Traduçao”, 39(1), 2019, pp. 239-259.

C. Alvstad, A.A. Rosa, Introduction: Voice in retranslation. An overview and some trends, “Target”, 27(1), 2015, pp. 3–24.

Atlas, Septièmes Assises de la traduction littéraire, Actes Sud, Hubert Nyssen Éditeur, Arles, 1990.

E. Balcerzan, Poetyka przekładu artystycznego, “Nurt”, 8, 1968, pp. 23–26.

P. Bensimon, Présentation, “Palimpsestes”, 4, 1990, pp. IX-XIII.

P. Bensimon, D. Coupaye (eds.), “Palimpsestes”, 15, Pourquoi donc retraduire ?, 2004.

A. Berman, La retraduction comme espace de la traduction, “Palimpsestes”, 4, 1990, pp. 1-7.

A. Brisset, Retraduire ou le corps changeant de la connaissance Sur l’historicité de la traduction, “Palimpsestes”, 15, 2004, p. 39-67.

S. Brownlie, Narrative theory and retranslation theory, “Across Languages and Culture”, 7(2), 2006, pp. 145-170.

S.M. Cadera, A.S. Walsh (eds), Literary Retranslation in Context, Peter Lang, Oxford-New York, 2016.

A. Chesterman, A Causal Model for Translation Studies, in M. Olohan (ed.), Intercultural Faultlines, St. Jerome, Manchester, 2000, pp. 15–27.

I. Collombat, Le XXIe siècle : l’âge de la retraduction, “Translation Studies in the new Millennium”, Bilkent University, 2, 2004.

S. Deane-Cox, Retranslation. Translation, Literature and Reinterpretation, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2014.

I. Desmidt, (Re)translation Revisited, “Meta”, 54(4), décembre 2009, pp. 669–683.

M. Du Nour, Retranslation of Children’s Books as Evidence of Changes in Norms, “Target”, 7(2), 1995, pp. 327–346.

E. EDL, C. De Oliveira, La (re)traduction du canon littéraire, in “Études Germaniques”, 288, 2017, pp. 547-560.

F. Fusco, La ritraduzione nel panorama degli studi traduttologici, “Translationes”, 7, 2015.

G. Gallego, P. Van Poucke (eds.), “Cadernos de Tradução”, Retranslation in Context, 39(1), 2019.

Y. Gambier, La retraduction, retour et détour, in “Meta”, 39(3), septembre 1994, pp. 413–417.

M. Gresset, Retraduire, (re)mettre en scène, “Palimpsestes”, 4, 1990, pp. 33-44.

S. Hanna, Bourdieu in Translation Studies. The Socio-cultural Dynamics of Shakespeare Translation in Egypt, Routledge, New York-London, 2016.

R Kahn, C. Seth, (eds.), La Retraduction, Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, Rouen- Le Havre, 2010.

B. Kleiner, M. Vangi, A. Vigliani, (eds.), Ritradurre i classici, Sul fenomeno delle ritraduzioni di classici italiani e tedeschi, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2014.

K. Koskinen, Revising and retranslating, in K. Washbourne, B. Van Wyke (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation, Routledge, London, 2019, pp. 315-324.

K. Koskinen, O. Paloposki, Anxieties of influence. The Voice of the first Translator in retranslation, “Target”, 27(1), 2015, pp. 25–39.

A Thousand and One Translations: Revisiting Retranslation, in G. Hansen, K. Malmkjaer, D. Gile (eds.), Claims, Changes and Challenges in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress, Copenhagen 2001, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2004, pp. 27–38.

Retranslation, in Y. Gambier, L. van Doorslaer (eds.), Handbook of Translation, vol. 1, John Benjamins, Amsterdam-Philadelphia, 2010, pp. 294-298.

Reprocessing texts: The fine line between retranslating and revising, “Across Languages and Cultures”, 11(1), 2010, pp. 29-49.

New directions for retranslation research: Lessons learned from the archaeology of retranslations in the Finnish literary system, “Cadernos de Tradução”, 39(1), 2019, pp. 23-44.

J-P. Lefebvre, Retraduire, “Traduire”, 218, 2008, pp. 7-13.

A. Lefevere, Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, London-New York, Routledge, 1992.

H. Meschonnic, Le rythme, prophétie du langage, “Palimpsestes”, 15, 2004, pp 9-23.

J. Milton, M-H. C. Torres, Apresentação, "Cadernos de Tradução", 1(11), 2003, pp. 9-17.

E. Monti, P. Schnyder, (eds.), Autour de la retraduction, Perspectives littéraires européennes, Orizons, Paris, 2011.

“Palimpsestes”, 4, Retraduire, 1990.

K. Peeters, Traduction, retraduction et dialogisme, “Meta”, 61(3), 2016, pp. 629-649

P. Pierini, La ritraduzione in prospettiva teorica e pratica, in Ead. (a cura di), L’atto del tradurre. Aspetti teorici e pratici del tradurre, Bulzoni, Roma 1999, pp. 51-72.

A. Pym, Method in Translation History, St. Jerome, Manchester, 1988.

L. Rodriguez, Sous le signe de Mercure, la retraduction, “Palimpsestes”, 4, 1990, pp. 63-80.

E. Skibińska, La retraduction, manifestation de la subjectivité du traducteur, “Doletiana. Revista de traducció, literatura i arts”, 1, 2007, pp. 1-10.

Autour de la retraduction. Sur l’exemple des traductions françaises de Pan Tadeusz, “Verbum Analecta Neolatina”, VIII(2), 2006, pp. 391-406.

Ş. Susam-Sarajeva, Multiple entry Visa to Travelling Theory. Retranslations of literary and cultural theories, “Target”, 15, 2003, pp. 1-36.

Theories on the Move. Translation’s Role in the Travels of Literary Theories, Rodopi, Amsterdam-New York, 2006.

Ş.T. Gürçağlar, Retranslation, in M. Baker, G. Saldanha (eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, second edition, Routledge, London-New York, 2009, pp. 233-236.

(ed.), Discourses on retranslation, “TranscUlturAl”, 12(1), 2020.

E. Tegelberg, La retraduction littéraire – quand et pourquoi?, “Babel”, 57(4), 2011, pp. 452-471.

A. Topia, Finnegans Wake : la traduction parasitée, “Palimpsestes”, 4, 1990, pp. 45-61.

I. Vanderschelden, Why Retranslate the French Classics? The Impact of Retranslation on Quality, in M. Salama-Carr (ed.), On Translating French Literature and Film II, Rodopi, Amsterdam-Atlanta 2000, p. 12.

P. Van Poucke, Aging as a motive for literary retranslation, “Translation and Interpreting Studies”, 12(1), 2017, pp. 91-115.

L. von Flotow, This time “the Translation is Beautiful, Smooth and True”: Theorizing Retranslation with the Help of Beauvoir, in James Day (ed.), Translation in French and Francophone Literature and Film, “French Literature Series”, 36, 2009, pp. 35–50.

L. Venuti, Retranslations: The creation of value, in K. M. Faull (ed.), Translation and Culture, Special issue of “Bucknell Review” 47(1), Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg, 2004, pp. 25-38.